segunda-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2007

Beneath blue skies of sorrow

Este foi o segundo poema que fiz por aqui. Também em inglês. Escrever para mim é, por vezes, como que uma forma de aliviar tensões interiores, e outras, um acto de puro prazer. Depende de muitos imponderáveis. Escrever umas palavras e vê-las crescer até à maioridade e tomar forma no todo, onde aí e apenas aí tomam o sentido pretendido por aquele que escreve, é sempre um acto de gratidão destas para com o seu autor: "Obrigado por te teres lembrado de mim". Que eu agradeço e devolvo com o mesmo carinho no texto seguinte.

Beneath blue skies of sorrow 06-11-05

Ten thousand miles apart
Lie angels and demons, beasts and men of god
Scared of purple waves, afraid of deep dark caves
Rulers of the netherworld, masters of the silent violence
Eyes made black by greed
Hands made red by need
Feet made white by might
Deeds made bright by light
Heads made yellow by mellow
Hearts made hollow by sorrow
Their vests engraved by mythical arts
Venomous snakes coming out to surface
Birds of paradise vanishing in the depths of earth
A dead man looking at you
His pale face reflecting his fatal fate
Nesting inside his chest are the worms of desire
Legions of them pile at the borders of your sanity
Made strong by your weaknesses
Guess who’s coming for dinner tonight
Look at the markings in the wall
Seems like claws, no one can tell for sure…
Impressive footprints of anger
Deeper, are the markings in your soul
Embedded in your veins, depleted of oxygen
Are the never born sons
Defective toys you could have fun with
Once you climb that tree that was once a seed…
Imagine you could climb on to the back of an eagle
And ride it across the oceans, hawk eyes laid in the horizon
Imagine you could be a child again
Looking back in time
Ten thousand miles apart.

Autor: Pedro Luís Laima Bicho

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